Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wisconsin Democrats file complaint against repugican recall senator Alberta Darling for multiple felonies

Great catch by Chris Bowers at Daily Kos Elections.

From the party announcement:
MILWAUKEE-The Democratic Party of Wisconsin today filed complaints in multiple jurisdictions alleging that state Sen. Alberta Darling has committed multiple felonies as part of a collusion and obstruction conspiracy.

(See attached complaint [pdf].)

The complaints also name the corporate front group Americans For Prosperity, Wisconsin Family Action, Wisconsin Right to Life and the lobbying arm of for-profit education corporations, the so-called American Federation for Children.

Darling's campaign and political operation is alleged to have benefited directly from groups that are part of a loose "coalition" that is funneling millions of dollars into Wisconsin in defense of her and Scott Walker's agenda.

Only when forced by the threat of a lawsuit to release some emails that indicate coordination and collusion did Darling begrudgingly comply. But Darling is blocking the release of records relating to a Democratic Party of Wisconsin Open Records Request that includes groups such as Wisconsin Right to Life -- an extreme conservative organization that is under current investigation for campaign violations.

"It appears that Alberta Darling is engaged in a coverup to hide election collusion," Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate said Thursday. "The last acts of her desperate campaign are not merely pathetic. They are illegal."
Note: It's not that Darling and her investors are doing it; it's that Democrats are finally taking effective action — accusing them in actual court for actual crimes.

Darling is attracting a ton of wingnut money.

The election is August 9, which my math says is soon.

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