Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A you a rude customer?

Odds are if you've never worked behind a counter, whether it be a restaurant or retail store, you're probably a bad customer.

See if you fit into any of these personalities, and let the enlightenment ensue.

1. Cell Phone Addicts: If you want good service, get off of your cell phone and treat the staff of whatever establishment you're in like a real human being. We are here to serve you, not waste time waiting for you to end your conversation, or worse, try to compete with the person on the other end of you convo. Newsflash - It's rude to expect an employee's full attention when you are not giving them yours. We will be more than happy to accommodate you once you hang up.

2. Holier Than Thou Patrons: Sure, you've got a lot of money. Supposedly, you've 'got a lot of pull in this town'. Whatever. Just because you get special treatment every where you go doesn't mean that is going to happen at my work. A sense of entitlement makes me want to help you less.

3. Manager's Pets: Please don't assume I am able to bend the rules because a manager lets you get away with returning something without a receipt. Oh, you want me to call him/her on their day off? No, sorry. You wouldn't want someone from your job calling YOU about something trivial on your day off, would you? If a manager is not in, I'm not calling them unless there is an emergency. You wanting a discount greater than I am able to give is not an emergency. Case in point - if the manager or associate you normally deal with is not there to let you get away with something I'm not allowed do, ask when he/she will return to work next, and bother them then.

4. Customers who ignore employees until they need something: We greet you when you enter, only to get ignored. That's just rude. You don't have to engage in b.s. conversations with us for hours, in fact, we'd prefer if you didn't. But a simple nod or 'hello' - SOMETHING to acknowledge us when you walk in would be appreciated.

Now, I know you've probably had an experience with bad service at some point in your life. I have too, but I've also worked with the public for over ten years. When I am trying to bend over backwards (so to speak) to make a customer happy and they are STILL rude to me, I am just baffled, and sad for them. So please, don't think I am lashing out in bitterness against all customers. I love helping people out, and am more likely to go above and beyond my job duties to make you happy if you are civil to me, and treat me like a human being. Kindness is contagious, remember this.

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