Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Alexander quits leadership

His desire to get something done incompatible with being repugican leader. Ouch.

Sen. Lamar Alexander will resign from his influential repugican leadership post in January, according to a letter obtained by POLITICO - a stunning decision by the former two-time presidential candidate who has played a central role shaping repugican strategy during President Barack Obama’s time in office.
But his affable nature and calls for bipartisanship also could prove to be a liability at a time when repugican politics has shifted markedly to the right, with tea party agitators demanding that their party adhere to strict wingnut orthodoxy that has inspired a new breed of fire-breathing lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
Yes, being a nice guy and wanting to get things done for the good of the country is inimical with being a repugican nowadays.

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