Sunday, September 11, 2011

And still more proof religion is insane

Cupid Table Cloth And Sin
A question from one of those Islamic sites.
I purchased a table cover having cupid motifs on it. When I bought the cover I didn't see the design clearly; it looked like flowers. After I used it once or twice, I looked at it closely and saw that it had hidden angel/cupid motifs on it. Should I continue to use this cover or throw it away? Will I be sinning if I keep this cloth in my house?
cupid-t9824 The answer:
According to Microsoft Bookshelf dictionary (2000 Edition), “cupid” means Roman Mythology: The god of love; the son of Venus.
As for your question, it’s impermissible for a Muslim to display pictures that show theological deviations and shirk.
“You are only allowed to use this one as a cloth for the floor where you may be stepping on it or using it to wipe dust or filth. To use it in any other dignified way would be condoning shirk (associating partners with Allah), which is the most heinous of all sins in Islam.
You may, however, cut or disfigure the pictures and then use it as a tablecloth. In this way, the shirk question does not arise. If any of these cannot be done, please return it to the store and try to get a refund or exchange.”

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