Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Anti-Religion Billboard

I'm not much for organized atheism, but I like this campaign: Calif. Atheist Billboards Lump Magic Underwear, Voodoo With Salvation.
An atheist group continues to spread its anti-Christian, anti-religion message in the typically conservative communities of Orange County, Calif., by unveiling two more billboard signs mocking faith this week.
One of the billboards located in the city of Orange states, "Make this a better world. Reject all religious superstitions." Listed underneath the proclamation are 36 different references to Christianity, other religions, and cults. Included in the list are: "Talking Snakes," "Burning Bushes," "Resurrection," "Salvation," and "Sin."
Lumped in with the Christian references are "Voodoo," "Magic Underwear," "Astrology," and "Hand of Fatima."
The group responsible is called the Backyard Skeptics.
"I'm lumping them together to make a point that all of the religionists in the world think that the other religionists' superstitions are silly except for theirs," Gleason said. "We (Backyard Skeptics) think that people harm others because of their religious superstitions. If the world did not have any of these superstitions it would absolutely be a better place."

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