Monday, September 5, 2011

At the Age of 61, Man Returns to College Football

When he was 18, Alan Moore played college football for a year before leaving school to serve with the US Army in Vietnam. When he got back, Moore got a job, got married, and eventually had three children and five grandchildren. But the desire to play football returned to him. Now he’s back, 43 years later. Moore is now a student and a football player at Faulkner University, a small college in Montgomery, Alabama:
Eagles Head Coach Gregg Baker says Moore “got on me the first couple times we talked, because I kept calling him, ‘Yes sir.’ And he said, ‘Coach, you’re not supposed to call me “yes. I’m supposed to call you ‘Yes, sir.”‘[...]
Says Baker, “Alan came to us back in the spring and said, ‘My story is showing these kids there’s no reason to give up on your dreams, and there’s no reason not to continue trying to get your education.”
Moore lives in the dorms, eats in the cafeteria and attends class, proving, observes “Early Show on Saturday Morning” co-anchor Russ Mitchell, he has the mind, the heart and foot to compete with players young enough to be his grandchildren.

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