Sunday, September 4, 2011

Berlusconi calls Italy a 'shitty country'

The Guardian:
In a sign of his frustration at the investigations into his alleged crimes and misdemeanours, Silvio Berlusconi vowed in July to leave Italy, which he described as a "shitty country" that "sickened" him.

The Italian prime minister's astonishing remarks are contained in the transcript of a telephone conversation secretly recorded by police investigating claims he was being blackmailed about his sex life.
Could this really be the end of Burlusconi? He is already facing a charge of sleeping with an under-age prostitute. Like most Europeans, Italians tend to regard the obsequious displays of patriotism made by US politicians as transparently insincere. That does not mean that they won't find Burlusconi's words highly offensive.

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