Thursday, September 1, 2011

The extremely remote possibility of a Rick Perry presidency firing up liberal base of Democratic Party

John Aravosis writes:

Oh I don't know, I think it'd be funny as hell if Rick Perry became the next Ken Mehlman - i.e., secret gay plant at the highest reaches of the party. Remember, Melhman assured the right that he wasn't gay as well, and look what that got them. I'm just amazed that they have no qualms about Perry, after all the rather detailed rumors. This gay activist says "bring that girl on!"

More from Ben Smith
And while conservatives enjoy Perry’s ability to enrage their liberal foes, some Democratic strategists have also welcomed his emergence.

“Whether he’s the nominee or not, he absolutely helps fire up our base,” said Jennifer Palmieri, the vice president for communications at the liberal Center for American Progress. “To the degree to which progressives are disaffected and unenthusiastic – this is their ‘holy shit’ moment.”

Clinton strategist James Carville, however, said Perry remains his second choice.

“Actually we’d all prefer Michele Bachmann,” he said.
No repugican has even the faintest hope of being elected (and they know it) nor have they the minutest chance of stealing another election as they did in 2000 and 2004 (again they know it) so they are trying to divert attention from those facts but as always it ain't working - America has awoken from her stupor and the repugicans don't like it.

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