Monday, September 19, 2011

Foo Fighters Seranade Westboro Wankers

Foo Fighters Seranade Westboro W@#kers
The tables were turned on the Westboro baptist cult when the Foo Fighters serenaded the picketers before the band's concert at the Sprint Center Friday night. The band wore the costumes they used in their recent parody video "Hot Buns" , and mocked the protesters who are known for their anti-homosexual views.
Lyrics in Foo Fighters song taunted the church's views, saying "Driving all night, got a hankering for something/Think I'm in the mood for some hot-man muffins/Mmmm, sounds so fine, yes indeed."

And here's the Foo Fighters own video of their Keepin' It Clean serenade to the cultists:
Note that the expletives that might have been used in the song, hence the muting of portions of the accompanying video mentioned in the news article above were not in the song but were from the foul-mouthed cultists.

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