Friday, September 16, 2011

Health care CEO's want Medicare age raised to 67

Of course they do.
How divorced from reality are these selfish bastards?
It's an industry that has been extremely profitable even during one of the toughest recessions in decades.
The Big Pharma businesses have received massive gifts from both the shrub and Obama when both decided that it was somehow a violation of capitalism to negotiate prices.
As for the insurance company, what else can you say about an industry where one CEO received a payout of $100 million last year and this year is charging into it's third year of record profits?
Wouldn't it be nice is someone - anyone, from either party - actually gave a damn about voters who don't have deep pockets?

How much more can the middle class take of this bashing by the ruling class? The more important question is how much more of this nonsense will voters accept before they reject both parties?

A congressional panel negotiating U.S. spending cuts should raise the age when people become eligible for Medicare to 67 from 65, a group representing health-care chief executives said today.

The Washington-based Healthcare Leadership Council included the recommendation in four proposals it said would save $410 billion in a decade, along with having private health plans to cover additional Medicare recipients and make people earning more than $150,000 pay for the full cost of the program’s premiums. Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and Merck & Co., the two largest U.S. drugmakers by revenue, are members of the council.

“This supercommittee process is a unique opportunity to do more than simply chop away at budgets,” Mary Grealy, the group’s president, said in a statement, referring to the 12- member congressional debt panel. The council called for overhauling the legal liability system for medical providers.

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