Friday, September 9, 2011

Man posts photos with robbery loot on Facebook

From the "He's a blooming idiot" Department:

An old roommate worked in a mall photo lab (remember those?) and used to frequently see photos of young men posing with big spreads of contraband -- drugs, guns, piles of money, jewelry. I was reminded of that when I read about the arrest of this gentleman, Jesse Hippolite, aka "Willie Sutton Jr.," who posted photos on Facebook of himself with what's likely bank robbery loot. He also was pictured gripping bottles of reportedly "expensive" champagne. From Gather:
 Wp-Content Uploads 2011 09 Dr Teg Tsg Release Sites Default Files Imagecache 175Xunlimited Photos Williesuttonjrfront Following the July 1 robbery of a Chase branch, a bank employee gave investigators a partial license plate of the getaway car used by the robber. In short order, agents traced the vehicle to a friend of Hippolite’s, and discovered that the two men had been arrested together last year for jumping a subway turnstile. Agents began monitoring Hippolite’s Facebook page and discovered what appeared to be incriminating photos and postings. For example, shortly before the July 1 bank robbery, Hippolite wrote, “I Gotta Get That $$$$$ Man!!!!” In another posting, Hippolite succinctly notes, “Crime pays my bills!”

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