Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meet the new crooks - same as the old crooks.

Teabaggers on the take
Freshman more corrupt than ever

Several House freshmen teabaggers who swept into power vowing to change Washington's ways are pushing legislation that could benefit some of their most generous campaign contributors.

Stephen Fincher, a cotton farmer Tennessee, introduced a bill to mandate swift federal approval of genetically modified crops for sale. Fincher has received more campaign money from agribusiness than any other industry.

Two months after he filed the bill, Minnesota's Land O'Lakes' staged a $500-a-head fundraiser to benefit the crook's re-election campaign. Land o' Lakes spent $740,000 on lobbying last year.

Other 'baggers who have crafted crooked legislation include  Paul Gosar, reptile-Ariz. Duffy, who gets a significant portion of his campaign funds from financial services companies, is the lead sponsor of a measure that would dilute the powers of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Gosar would end health insurance companies' protection from anti-trust provisions, a step applauded by health professionals who donated nearly $74,000 to his campaign in the first six months of this year.

Meet the new crooks - same as the old crooks. 

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