Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Retired Lab Chimps Finally Experience Life Outdoors

chimps see outdoors photo 
Screenshot via YouTube
For most of their lives, they were kept in tiny enclosures as guiltless prisoners, mere test subjects exploited for having a physiology analogous to our own. But now, after nearly 40 years of captivity, seven retired lab chimpanzees are learning what it means to be alive outdoors. Gone are the cold, metal cages and sterile biomedical equipment, replaced with a playground haven and the golden warmth of sunlight. All of this was made possible thanks to the tireless efforts of volunteers, who, over the last year, worked to build the chimps a new retirement facility. And seeing the animals joyfully exploring their new home, they say, makes it all worth it.

Article continues: Retired Lab Chimps Finally Experience Life Outdoors (Video)

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