Thursday, October 6, 2011

Buffet to Murdoch: I'll show my tax returns if you show yours

It's hard not to like Warren Buffet when he steps up for the fight against Murdoch. Not bad, for an anti-capitalist pinko commie, or whatever laughable label Faux News is trying to pin on Buffet.

The Journal's conservative editorial board doesn't think that's a great idea, saying that Buffett should instead "educate the public" by letting "everyone else in on his secrets of tax avoidance by releasing his tax returns."

Asked about the editorial on Tuesday at Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit, Buffett said he was willing to release his tax returns, on one condition:

"I think it might be a terrific idea if they would just ask their boss, Rupert Murdoch, and he and I will meet at Fortune, and we'll both give you our tax returns and you can publish them," Buffett said.

"I'm ready tomorrow morning," he added.
Rupert may be a little busy speaking with the British police and US FBI for illegal activity but surely he can still find the time to step up to the challenge, no?

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