Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Did you know ...

#OccupyWallStreet protesters suing NYC.   
Good for them. If the reports are true that the NYPD led the protesters down the wrong road only to arrest them for going down the wrong road, they should be sued.
Wall Street protesters arrested in a march across the Brooklyn Bridge sued New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly for allegedly violating their constitutional rights.

Five of the protesters, seeking to represent about 700 people arrested in the Oct. 1 march, filed a civil rights complaint yesterday in Manhattan federal court. They claimed officers from the New York City Police Department lured them onto the bridge’s roadway to trap and arrest them.

“After escorting and leading a group of demonstrators and others well out onto the Brooklyn Bridge roadway, the NYPD suddenly and without warning curtailed further forward movement, blocked the ability of persons to leave the bridge from the rear, and arrested hundreds of protesters in the absence of probable cause,” they said in the complaint.
And let's not forget just a few days ago when the NYPD pepper sprayed, in the face, a group of peaceful women protesters who weren't doing anything at all but standing there.

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