Monday, October 10, 2011

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they infiltrate your group to discredit it with uncalled-for violence ...

American Spectator editor admits to being agent provacateur in dc museum riot @ #occupydc:
immediately after the incident began hitting the newswires Howley published a “breaking news” story with the American Spectator online in which he reveals that he had consciously infiltrated the group on Friday with the intent to discredit the movement. He states that “as far as anyone knew I was part of this cause — a cause that I  had infiltrated the day before in order to mock and undermine in the pages of the American Spectator — and I wasn’t giving up before I had my story.”

According to Howley’s story he joined the group in its march toward the air and space museum but the protesters on the march were unwilling to be confrontational. He states “they lack the nerve to confront authority. from estimates within the protest, only ten people were pepper-sprayed, and as far as I could tell I was the only one who got inside.”

He claims that upon arrival at the museum the group of approximately one hundred protesters split into two factions with the smaller of the two “rushing the doors,” the majority “staying behind.” Howley then admits in his piece that he snuck past the guard at the first entrance in order to “infiltrate” the building and then confronted another guard. He then “sprinted toward the door” at which time he was first hit with pepper-spray.

As he describes his next actions “I forced myself into the doors and sprinted blindly across the floor of the air and space museum, drawing the attention of hundreds of stunned khaki-clad tourists (some of whom began snapping off disposable-camera portraits of me).”

Fully inside, despite the orders of the security guards that the museum was closed to the public, Howley made his way upstairs – to the location where a banner was unfurled protesting the museum’s exhibit of unmanned drone weapons.
“I strained to glance behind me at the dozens of protesters I was sure were backing me up, and then I got hit again, this time with a cold realization: I was the only one who had made it through the doors. As two guards pointed at me and started running, I dodged a circle of gawking old housewives and bolted upstairs.”
A reminder that (a) #occupystreet attendees are non-violent and (b) the wingnuts will do anything to discredit the truth.

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