Saturday, October 22, 2011

Get this ...

39% of financial advisers support OWS 

It's important to note that financial advisers were not the prime recipients of the Wall Street bailout, so there has to be some bad blood already between the traders and the people selling the products to the public. Financial advisers have certainly heard an earful from their customers who were first walloped by the crash in 2008 and then tossed around by the unpredictable market ever since. We have been in a market that has benefited mostly the traders and not as much by the general investing public.

Business Insider:
According to the results of an exclusive InvestmentNews online survey of 350 advisers, 58.2% said they disagree with the views expressed by the Occupy Wall Street protesters. Meanwhile, 38.8% of advisers said they agree with the views of the protesters and 3% said they were unfamiliar with Occupy Wall Street.
And take one guess what the financial advisers think about tax increases for the wealthy?

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