Wednesday, October 26, 2011

High-Living Spiders Make Skyscraper "Like a Haunted House"

skyscraper spider photo  
Photo: williac / cc
They're among nature's most skillful builders, capable of crafting elaborate webs with ease, so perhaps it should come as no surprise that spiders seem to appreciate our grandest structures as well. For folks employed at the top of the John Hancock Center, a 100-story skyscraper in downtown Chicago, work has gotten strangely creepy as countless eight-legged crawlers have found a way to thrive atop some of the world's tallest buildings. The "spider-fest" has gotten so bad, says one employee of his 94th-story office, "it's like a haunted house."
Article continues: High-Living Spiders Make Skyscraper "Like a Haunted House"

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