Friday, October 14, 2011

It's my tea party and I'll cry if I want to

Americans favor #occupywallst over the tea party by about a gazillion to one.



A new Time magazine poll found an even more positive results for occupy wall street, showing 54 percent held a favorable view of the movement, compared to just 27 percent with a favorable view of the tea party. In the time poll, just 23 percent had an unfavorable view of occupy wall street, for a net rating of +31 percent. meanwhile, 33 percent had an unfavorable view of the tea party, giving it a a net rating of -6 percent.

OK, technically it's more like 23 to one, but still, the teabaggers are in the hole (get your mind out of the gutter) in comparison to how folks feel about #ows.

So, what's the natural response by the baggers? mud slinging, of course.

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