Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Man asks police officer to give his dropped marijuana back

From the "Can you say 'idiot'!?" Department:

A man accidentally dropped his marijuana outside a Pittsburgh convenience store on Monday. A police officer found the drugs and the man asked the officer if he could have his drugs back. "Nah, nah, nah that's not even cool you can say what you want but, I'm going to tell you. I thought you were going to be cool though," said Miles Bennett.

"Be cool about it? Sir, when I walk up here I find marijuana on the ground and you say 'excuse me sir like that's my marijuana,'" said Pittsburgh Police Officer Dwayne Ausbrooks. Bennett told how he accidentally dropped the pot when he stopped at the 7-11 on Western Avenue. The moment he saw it on the ground, so did Officer Ausbrooks, who confiscated it.

Bennett then approached the officer, asking if he could have his marijuana back. "I thought you can't get in trouble for that little bit," said Bennett. "You thought I wouldn't get in trouble if I gave you back some marijuana," asked Officer Ausbrooks. "Well not you, when no one was here till you called everybody," said Bennett.

"Of course I called, I have a duty and responsibility to uphold the law," said Officer Ausbrooks. "I understand that I'm not mad at you I'm just saying," said Bennett. "Well yeah I hope you're not mad at me," said Officer Ausbrooks. Bennett was not arrested because the police officer did not see him holding the bag before he dropped it.

They don't call it dope for nothing you know.

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