Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oakland police chief visited Scott Olsen and parents in hospital

The Occupy protesters are taking back the plaza, which requires a lot of courage in light of the recent excessive actions by the Oakland police. Whether or not the Oakland police have had a change in policy is still not clear. The interim police chief made an encouraging first move by meeting the injured vet Olsen in the hospital, but this issue is hardly behind us.

San Francisco Chronicle:
"I expressed my sorrow for what happened to their son," Jordan said at a City Hall news conference. "They were very receptive. ... I also expressed to them the process that's involved in terms of this incident, in terms of a full review and internal investigation."
Olsen's skull was fractured when he was hit by a projectile that apparently came from police lines. Olsen, a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, was standing at the front of the crowd at 14th Street and Broadway when he fell to the ground.

As other protesters came to Olsen's aid, an officer tossed another canister at the group, video of the incident

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