Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Wall Street to start airing branding ads in response to repugican smears

As DailyKos notes, this may be in response to the repugican's attempt to brand all the protesters as anti-Semites or whatever.
Wingnut groups are currently running ads on cable news accusing Occupy Wall Street of anti-Semitism. Wingnut-media, and even the repugican nithing cabal, are piling on those attacks.

Soon, however, Occupy Wall Street will begin running a television ad of its own. The ad features a diverse set of protesters speaking directly into the camera what they hope the movement will achieve. Here it is...
You can watch a copy of the ad over at DKos.  It is interesting that the repugican propaganda machine has gone into high gear to tarnish the OWS protesters.  Their protests haven't been particularly partisan.  So it's interesting that repugicans are making things partisan by, yet again, defending rich people behaving badly.  Considering that a majority of American supports OWS, its a dumb move - but then again no on have ever accused repugicans of being intelligent.

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