Friday, October 21, 2011

Paul Ryan ... Asshole

The house repugican majority, since it came into power, has repeatedly set its sights on pell grants, the federal grants that help low- and middle-income students pay a portion of their higher education tuition. repugicans have not only proposed lowering the maximum pell amount from $5,500 (which is the level to which the Obama administration raised it) but also limiting eligibility, knocking one million students from the pell program entirely. During a town hall today, house budget committee chairman Paul Ryan (reptile-wi) was asked by Matthew Lowe, a student, why the repugicans want to cut pell grants. Ryan responded by saying that the program is “unsustainable,” before telling Lowe that he should be working three jobs and taking out student loans to pay for college, instead of using pell grants. - More

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