Friday, October 28, 2011

Raccoon barbeque in car park leads to meth maker’s arrest

Police say a man roasting a raccoon in a Memphis, Tennessee parking lot on Monday led them to a meth lab that landed his brother in jail.

Officers found the man grilling the raccoon in the back parking lot of a midtown apartment complex. In addition to the cooking raccoon, he also had several large knives.

Investigators called in the department's meth task force to help after they also discovered buckets of an unknown material. Police ended up arresting the man's brother, 26-year-old Adam Eubank, after entering the apartment the two share.

Police say Eubank had purchased cold medicine used to manufacture methamphetamine nearly three dozen times in the past year. Eubank's charged with promoting the manufacture of meth. He's being held on $75,000 bond.

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