Friday, October 28, 2011

The repugicans now claiming that "they" are the ones defending the social safety net

This is priceless.

The party that took the lead in trying to dismantle  Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and welfare - the party that held unemployment benefits hostage last Christmas - is now trying to claim that they're the ones who care about America's poor?

I think we have a different definition of poverty in the Democratic party.  To the repugicans you're "poor" if your bonus this year is only "$50,000" instead of the usual "$100,000."  Check out this fundraising appeal from repugican budget cutter Paul Ryan, the guy who authored the plan to dismantle Medicare.  "The safety net for the poor is coming apart at the seams and no one in Washington seems to care," says the guy who is the lead architect of the most recent repugican plans to gut the social safety net.

You've got to admire their hubris, they are fearless.  As Greg Sargent explains, it's clear that the repugicans are a tad worried about all the new polls showing the public thinks they're the part of the rich.  And they should be worried.  As much as the public isn't thrilled with the Democrats, poll after poll shows that they like the repugicans even less.

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