Friday, November 4, 2011

"Anonymous" to Mexican drug lords: Release kidnapped hacker or we'll publish your secret operatives

At one point, Anonymous had called off the operation. But apparently it's back on, and Anonymous has already found some interesting information.

From CNET:
Earlier today, Brown tweeted: "Just hours into gathering secondary intel, we have the name of a U.S. DA and evidence of his involvement." That was followed by "Requesting the assistance of any journalist who is willing to look into a DA with potential ties to organized crime."

Law enforcement officials are likely bracing for the worst. Mike Vigil, the retired head of international operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration, told the Houston Chronicle that the Anonymous threat was a "gutsy move." "By publishing the names, they identify them to rivals, and trust me, they will go after them."

And others have echoed that warning. "If Anonymous carries out its threat, it will almost certainly lead to the deaths of individuals named as cartel associates, whether or not the information released is accurate," Stratfor, a global intelligence firm, wrote in a report late last month. "Furthermore, as Mexican cartels have targeted online journalists and bloggers in the past, hackers could well be targeted for reprisal attacks."
It's not every day that you hear of anyone making threats against one of the deadly Mexican drug cartels. Geeks fight back:
"You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him," says a masked man in a video posted online on behalf of the group, Anonymous.

"We cannot defend ourselves with a weapon … but we can do this with their cars, homes, bars, brothels and everything else in their possession," says the man, who is wearing a suit and tie.

"It won't be difficult; we all know who they are and where they are located," says the man, who underlines the group's international ties by speaking Spanish with the accent of a Spaniard while using Mexican slang.
Watch the video here.  According to CNet, "The video demands the return of the alleged kidnapping victim by November 5 and threatens to release information on the organization, as well as police, journalists, and cab drivers whom the video claims have collaborated with the cartel." Wow.

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