Thursday, November 10, 2011

Former SC repugican leader calls Pelosi the c-word, then the b-word, then a wh*re

He said this in response to Herman Cain calling Democratic House Minority Leader, and former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi "Princess Nancy." The repugicans have a serious problem with intolerance in their ranks - be it sexism, racism, or homophobia. They think it's PC, and thus silly, to suggest that we don't call women the c-word, the b-word or the w-word. No, it's not about being PC, it's about having a sense of common decency. It's about a basic level of respect you show other human beings. The extremists that are now in control of the repugican party don't have that sense of respect or decency, not in their politics, their policies, nor in their personal dealings with Democrats or the American people.

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