Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Law firm, that held Halloween party making fun of people who lost their homes, to close

The NYT reports that Steven J. Baum P.C., the firm of foreclosure lawyers who held the 'homeless' themed party last year is to shut down as a result of the NYT story:
But despite its settlement with the federal government, the firm’s fortunes worsened this month after The New York Times published photos of a Halloween party at the Baum firm showing employees wearing costumes mocking people who had lost their homes.

After those photos surfaced, the mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae cut off the Baum firm, forbidding servicers of their mortgages from using Mr. Baum and his colleagues. That effectively served as the firm’s death knell.
H/T to TPM who have the whole story for those of you who don't do the Grey Lady any more.

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