Monday, November 21, 2011

Loyal dog guards the grave of its dead owner

People living in a Chinese village have been so moved by a dog that has been guarding the grave of its deceased owner they plan to build a kennel for him.

The yellow dog belonged to Lao Pan, a single man who died earlier this month aged 68. After his room in Panjiatun village near Qingdao city, Shandong Province, was cleared his dog disappeared.

But villagers later found the dog by the grave of its owner. Reports say that for seven days, the dog stayed there, refusing to leave. Seeing that the dog was going without food, the locals tried to take it back to the village and gave it some buns.

The dog took the buns and returned to the graveyard. Now the villagers are taking food and water to the dog regularly and plan to put up a kennel for it near its owner's grave.

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