Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Night Owl or Morning People?

Who's Smarter
Early birds may catch the worm, but night owls have higher IQs. Hey, don't take my word for it - it's been proven, you know, by science:
Research examining various psychological correlates of circadian type (also known as diurnal preference) has been, over the years, quite expansive. A notable omission within this research program would appear a systematic exploration of the relation between intelligence and morningness–eveningness. The present study redressed this imbalance. 420 participants performed two self-report inventories assessing circadian type, as well as measures of intelligence from two psychometric batteries: CAM-IV and the ASVAB. The results indicate that, contrary to conventional folk wisdom, evening-types are more likely to have higher intelligence scores. This result is discussed in relation to current theories concerning the nature of human cognitive abilities.
The 1999 study: Morningness-eveningness and intelligence: early to bed, early to rise will likely make you anything but wise! by Roberts RD and Kyllonen PC, Dept. of Psychology, University of Sydney, Australia

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