From Pew:
Since the 2010 midterm elections, the tea party has not only lost support nationwide, but also in the congressional districts represented by members of the house tea party caucus. And this year, the image of the repugican party has declined even more sharply in these repugican-controlled districts than across the country at large.Check out the rest of the polling. The repugicans are plummeting nationally, while Democats are holding their own. Even in tea party districts, voters now rate Ds and rs equally in terms of favorability. No wonder Boehner and Cantor pretty much shut up two months ago, you never hear from them anymore. They must have seen similar numbers privately, and realized that if they kept doing what they were doing, the end was nigh.
In the latest Pew Research Center survey, conducted Nov. 9-14, more Americans say they disagree (27%) than agree (20%) with the tea party movement. A year ago, in the wake of the sweeping repugican gains in the midterm elections, the balance of opinion was just the opposite: 27% agreed and 22% disagreed with the tea party. At both points, more than half offered no opinion.
Throughout the 2010 election cycle, agreement with the tea party far outweighed disagreement in the 60 House districts represented by members of the congressional tea party caucus. But as is the case nationwide, support has decreased significantly over the past year; now about as many people living in tea party districts disagree (23%) as agree (25%) with the tea party.
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