Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Police officer carries dazed deer to safety

A Sheriff's deputy in Michigan, United States, resorts to carrying a confused deer out of the path of traffic after it refused to move from the middle of the road following a near miss with a car.

Deputy Ryan Swartz of the Huron County Sheriff's Office was responding to a car accident on Friday when he discovered the doe deer standing dazed in the road. His attempts to encourage the deer to move were captured on this patrol car camera.

“I figured as I walked up to it, it would just run off the road [but] it just stood still. It wasn't moving at all. So I went up and I pet it and I was thinking that would get the deer off the road," deputy said.

Desperate to get the deer out of the path of oncoming traffic, the deputy then picked it up and carried it to the embankment where it recovered its senses and ran off. Despite the successful outcome, Sheriff Kelly Hanson warned that his deputy's actions were "not recommended".

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