Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Predators of the 1%

How does someone make it to the 1%?
There are only three ways: You can start in the 1%, you can engage in activities that create and build wealth and you can take the money from other people.

Over the past few weeks quite a few members of the 1% have been coming out in support of Occupy Wall Street. What do they all have in common? Almost all of them made it to the 1% by creating and building wealth.

Ayn Rand was right, society is plagued by the 'looters and the moochers'. All she got wrong was pointing her finger at the wrong people. The dead weight in US society are the members of the 1% who never contributed anything to society: The inheritors and the predators.

The repugicans do not even stand for all of the 1% and certainly not for the 'job creators' who they invoke at every opportunity. The people the repugicans really support are the predators who got rich by taking from other people. Folk like the Walton family that made their pile through union busting. Folk like Don Blankenship who caused the deaths of 29 miners at his Upper Big Branch mine by appealing health and safety violation notices and telling his supervisors that their only priority was to "run coal". And yes folk like Bernie Madoff who became a billionaire by stealing the savings of millionaires.

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