Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prince Charles, The One Who Makes Cows Cry

How handsome is Charles, Prince of Wales? So handsome he makes cows cry.
No, really.
That's Prince Charles' new name, as bestowed upon him by the Maasai warriors of Africa:
Charles's new name in the tribe's language is Helper of Cows, which literally translates as ‘the one who makes cows cry’.
According to Matthew Rimba, a village elder and ‘father’ of the Boma, the animals would cry, or call, for their helper because of the support he gives them.
The awarding of the title is considered a great honour as in Maasai culture, the cow is king.
The Maasai believe they own every cow in the world - and had been particularly impressed to hear that Charles keeps over 800 cows on his land in the UK.

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