Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The repugican scrooges try to kill the Christmas tree

The repugicans are very upset that President Obama is trying to save a Christmas tradition, the real Christmas tree.  It's kind of a neat idea the President has, and one the tree growers asked him to do.

From the Miami Herald:
Following an extended debate that pit one region against another, the Agriculture Department on Tuesday gave the green light to a new industry-funded Christmas tree promotion program.

By taxing themselves, growers will raise $2 million a year for ads promoting the merits of real, live trees. Or, at least, trees that once were living, as opposed to the artificial kind that have seized an increasing share of the holiday market.

"As demographics and buying habits have changed we have watched the market for real trees shrink drastically, requiring us to spend much more time and money on promotion," said Don Cameron, past president of the California Christmas Tree Association.
The fee is a whopping 15 cents per tree.

As part of their ongoing effort to label everything a "tax," and every tax a bad thing (since government, to the repugicans, is per se bad, except of course when government is providing repugican members of Congress their own cushy socialist subsidized health care, and absurdly lush retirement benefits even if they spend only a microsecond in Congress), the repugicans are simply apoplectic that the White House would try to help American Christmas tree growers in a manner in which the growers themselves asked for.

Yes, god forbid President Obama actually do something that business is asking him to do to save their livelihood. Then again, the repugicans oppose every move the President makes to save jobs.  They're invested in torpedoing the economy to help their election chances next November, to hell with what it does to the rest of us.

The real question isn't why President Obama is trying to save an American Christmas tradition dating back to the time of the American Revolution, but rather, why the repugicans aren't trying to save it too?

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