Thursday, November 3, 2011

The repugicans are bringing back Jim Crow to stop minorities and students from voting

As much as the President and the Democrats in Congress have depressed Democratic voters, it really is amazing how repugicans just always find a way to tick us off even more.

LA Times:
The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law estimated that new laws across the nation "could make it significantly harder for more than 5 million eligible voters to cast ballots in 2012." The new restrictions will "fall most heavily on young, minority and low-income voters," the group said.

Richard L. Hasen, an election law expert at UC Irvine, said that such estimates were probably exaggerated, but that in states like Florida the changes could make a big difference.

"These laws will have an effect on the margin on who votes. And in a state like Florida, a small difference matters. It could easily decide the outcome," he said. The national focus on such issues started in Florida with the shrub-Gore recount in 2000.
All they needed was to steal Florida to steal the presidency in 2000.  The repugican party really does all it can to tear apart this country.  It's sad. And some day when the history books look back on what went wrong, they'll find it was the most self-professed "patriots" among us who made this country no longer number 1.

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