Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The repugicans want tomato paste on pizza classified as a "vegetable" for school lunches

This brings back memories of the miserable Reagan years when he declared ketchup a vegetable. Back then it was about being a jerk but now it's all about the junk food lobby who can't stand the idea of healthy eating. Maybe this is why so many people in the US have such poor eating habits.
Congress wants to keep pizza and french fries on school lunch lines, fighting back against an Obama administration proposal to make school lunches healthier.

The final version of a spending bill released late Monday would unravel school lunch standards the Agriculture Department proposed earlier this year, which included limiting the use of potatoes on the lunch line and delaying limits on sodium and delaying a requirement to boost whole grains.

The bill also would allow tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a vegetable, as it is now. USDA had wanted to prevent that.
Note that some Senate Democrats, who apparently don't want to come back in 2013, agreed to this nonsense.

Editor's Note: For the record, Tomatoes are fruits not vegetables in the first place.

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