Friday, November 18, 2011

Secret Service checked if White House shooter Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez had ties to OWS, did they check tea party ties too?

It's interesting that news stories about Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, the man who allegedly fired shots at the White House, and apparently got one bullet lodged in a window of the President's personal residence, are noting that the Secret Service investigated whether the shooter had ties to the Occupy movement.  I wonder if they also investigated possible ties to the tea party or other wingnut groups?  After all, the man "hated" Obama.  And he's from Idaho (hello?). That's repugican territory.  On our side of the aisle, we're sometimes "disappointed" in the President, but "hate" is the domain of the other guys.  Speaking of the other guys, the fact that the Secret Service has found no connection to the Occupy movement hasn't stopped Faux from calling him "the Occupy shooter."  They really are such a diligent propaganda arm of the repugican party.

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