Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's Math Folks
For those unable to grasp the concept of math (i.e., repugicans) it means that you get the most 'bang for your buck' when you spend on programs to directly benefit people and on new infrastructure and maintaining/repairing existing infrastructure - for every $1.00 spent, $1.75 is returned or to put it another way you make a profit of $.75 ... or a net surplus.

Spending that $1.00 on unemployment insurance & food stamps, etc., direct aid to states, and tax cuts to low and middle income individuals all net surpluses of $1.45, $1.25 and $1.05 respectively.

On the other hand doing like repugicans love to do - spending that $1.00 by giving tax breaks to wealthy individuals nets you $.40 ... in other words a NET LOSS of $.60 or a deficit.

Also, spending that $1.00 in the other way the repugicans love to do is an even more abysmal financial (and mathematical) folly ... for every $1.00 spent in giving tax breaks to corporations you net $.20 which is a NET LOSS of $.80 - not smart in any circumstance [and would get you a failing grade in Econ 101, which is exactly what the current crop of idiots (pardon ... repugicans) running to lose to President Obama in November 2012 got from Economic professors around the world when they unveiled their 'economic plans' of how they would handle the economy if the American people were so stupid as to vote for them.]

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