Thursday, May 31, 2012

Are we prepared to talk with aliens?

We have been deliberately or accidentally sending signals into space and we are trying to listen to the signals or broadcast given by the aliens. But if we detect any signal from aliens then have we made any plan for that? If a signal is sent by aliens then it will be received by SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). SETI is the group of a few dozen scientists across the world and they are expected to that they will receive signals from space. SETI often faces the shortage of funds and they have been made fun of too. They observe the signals and unusual things through the world’s largest telescope. SETI was launched in 1959 just by a person that had a telescope, and nowadays the expecting signals from space are observed by the computers. But what would happen when the scientists receive signal from the aliens? Some say that the government will try to keep it secret while some say that the world will lose a dirge. But SETI astronomy expert Doctor Seth Shostak says nothing will happen. It’s absolutely stupid that the government will try to hide it or else people would be mad. When it was said in the early 1900 that there were canals on Mars people did not get panic. People said perhaps the aliens are present.” He said that if a computer warns about any kind of signal then we will contact several telescopes for the confirmation of that signal and this process can take a week. During this period, people will must call their relatives to inform them.
In 1997 such messages confirmed that it is impossible to hide it. Doctor Seth Shostak says that we were waiting and watching what would be told about it officially. But nobody bothered to know about it else the media. So is there any planning according to such situation? If we receive any signal, whom are we supposed to inform? Doctor Seth Shostak says there isn’t any such plan at the moment. If any signal is received it will be announced. When SETI contacted with office of United Nations Organization in Vienna, in order to know that what steps should be taken after receiving the signal then the office replied “We don’t know.” At the moment it is responsibility of Arizona State University to make the proper plan about it. They said they have no idea what kind of signal they receive and it can take many years to understand them. May be a very short signal is received in which it is said “hello people of earth” or a very complicated message.
The scientists of SETI say that signal must be answered. But nobody agrees what should be replied. We will have to be careful about their likes and dislikes while replying about what we don’t have any information. And the thing that is common between them and us are Mathematics and physics. SETI says whatever we reply but we should have consensus on it.

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