Thursday, May 24, 2012

The catholic church now talking about turning away non-catholics from emergency rooms

Get these people out of the hospital business, now!
The catholic church is now making rumblings about turning away non-catholics from the emergency rooms of catholic hospitals. Do you hear the word Nazi as well - what other analogy is there for a hospital to even dare start talking about picking and choosing who lives and who dies based on their religion? Welcome to the Vatican death panels.

Don't anyone think for a moment that this isn't a veiled threat of what's to come. Remember, the catholic church is already turning away parentless children rather than abide with anti-discrimination laws. What's to stop them from turning away non-catholics from the emergency rooms of catholic hospitals? These are people who excel at punishing innocent victims, from a raped five year old to a homeless teenager.

From Maureen Dowd, writing about the latest catholic scare tactic, distributed in tax-exempt churches, to oppose President Obama's new contraceptive policy that Mitt Romney previously endorsed as well.
The Archdiocese of Washington put an equally alarmist message in the church bulletins at Sunday’s Masses, warning of apocalyptic risk:

“1. Our more than 600 hospitals nationwide, which will need to stop non-catholics at the emergency room door and say, ‘We are only allowed by the government to heal catholics.’
As Dowd reminds us, the catholic bishops don't really speak for actual American catholics.
I wasn’t surprised to see the Gallup poll Tuesday showing that 82 percent of U.S. catholics say birth control is morally acceptable. (Eighty-nine percent of all Americans and 90 percent of non-catholics agreed.) Gallup tested the morality of 18 issues, and birth control came out on top as the most acceptable, beating divorce, which garnered 67 percent approval, and “buying and wearing clothing made of animal fur,” which got a 60 percent thumbs-up (more from repugicans, naturally, than Democrats).

Polygamy, cloning humans and having an affair took the most morally offensive spots on the list. “Gay or lesbian relations” tied “having a baby outside of marriage,” with 54 percent approving. That’s in the middle of the list, above a 38 percent score for abortion and below a 59 percent score for “sex between an unmarried man and woman.”
All they speak for is a Vatican that every four years tries to throw the American election to the repugicans.

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