Thursday, May 17, 2012

Catholic school would rather kill kids' insurance than comply with rules

This is par for the course with the Catholic church.  Why choose Option A when you can choose Option B and hurt someone vulnerable at the same time.
It's the way the Catholic church has mishandled the pedophilia scandal (putting children last), it's the way they're handling compliance with non-discrimination laws in DC, Illinois and Massachusetts (rather than simply not discriminate, the Catholics have chosen to stop helping parentless kids all together), and it's the way the church is handling this latest controversy (even though most Catholics agree with President Obama and not the church - who does the church leadership actually represent in America, anyone?).

Oh yeah, and the second golden rule is do whatever you can in an election year to get a repugican elected.  It won't be long now until we heard of Catholic parishes refuses to given communion to Democrats.  Every four years it starts like clockwork.

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