Wednesday, May 9, 2012

James Bond Shot at 4,662 Times During His Career

What are the odds that 007 would survive? Gordon Stanger noted each time that someone took a shot at Bond and crunched the numbers.

In New Scientist, he writes:
There is some ambiguity over how many gunshots have been fired at James Bond because, in many gunfights, it is not clear who the shots are aimed at. However, by my reckoning, in the 22 Bond films to date, there have been at least 4662 shots fired at our hero. A static well-aimed shot would almost certainly have proved lethal, but assuming all 4662 were “on the run”, the probability of a single fatal shot is about 5 per cent. That is, the chance of a single shot missing is 0.95, and hence the probability of all shots missing is 0.954662 or 1.4 × 10-104, which is as close to zero as makes no difference.

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