Saturday, May 12, 2012

Man to stand trial accused of yawning in court

A man is to face trial accused of yawning loudly in court. Thomas Tams faces a single charge alleging he conducted himself in a disorderly manner and committed a breach of the peace.

The incident is said to have happened at Alloa Sheriff Court on February 20. At Stirling Sheriff Court, Tams, 35, pleaded not guilty to the alleged offense.

It is claimed that, in addition to yawning while the court was sitting, Tams, of The Wynd, Alva, Clackmannanshire, defied an instruction from the clerk of court and swore and shouted.

After hearing that both defense and prosecution were ready, Sheriff Wyllie Robertson continued the case for trial on June 6 and ordered Tams to re-appear.

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