Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nine year old takes stand against Westboro baptist church

Josef Miles was walking with his mother when he saw the group protesting ...

By Nina Mandell

 Josef Miles, 9, was walking with his mother near the Washburn University campus late last week when he spotted the extremist church protesting with signs about god’s hatred of homosexuals and other groups.

via Topeka Capital-Journal

Josef Miles, 9, was walking with his mother near the Washburn University campus late last week when he spotted the extremist church protesting with signs about god’s hatred of homosexuals and other groups.

His sign may have been smaller than the Westboro baptist’s hate-spewing placards, but one Topeka boy’s counterprotest is gaining support around the world.
Josef Miles, 9, was walking with his mother near the Washburn University campus late last week when he spotted the extremist church protesting with signs about God’s hatred of homosexuals and other groups.
His mother told The Topeka Capital-Journal that he asked if he could make his own sign.

Using a small sketchpad and a pencil — contrasted with Westboro’s larger, multicolored signs — he wrote “God Hates No One.”
Miles is seen holding his sign in one photo that has started circulating the Internet. In it he wears a pair of shades next to a Westboro protest sign that reads, “God Hates Fags.”
“He’s growing up to be a fine young man,” his proud mother told the newspaper.

Miles also received praise from church groups and commenters.
“9 year old Josef Miles wins an awesome kid award,” one person posted on Twitter.

The Westboro baptist church, which is based in Topeka, often pickets public events to gain notoriety and attention.
It is not recognized by mainstream christian groups. Or any other group for that matter
Good for him!

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