Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Anatomy of a repugican lie

The repugicans and the religious right deserve each other.
They're both expert at taking a lie and making it true.

The latest lie from the repugicans is that the wingnut "reporter" who heckled President Obama during his immigration speech the other day was simply doing what reporters did all the time to lovable old Ronnie Raygun.

And look, they even have a scanned copy of an old AP story to prove it.

Yeah, it's "proof" if you don't actually read the AP story. If you do read it you'll discover yet another beautifully woven repugican lie.

You see, as the AP report says repeatedly, the reporters yelled questions at Raygun after his statement was over, and/or after the event was over and Raygun was leaving (and in typical Reagan fashion, refusing to take any questions - remember Raygun always putting his hand to his ear pretending he could hear the questions?).

Nowhere in the AP story does it say that reporters interrupted an address by Raygun (and heckled him mid-address, no less) - something that has now happened twice to President Obama, once by a wingnut repugican reporter and another by a wingnut repugican member of Congress.

But it's sufficient for a wingnut "newspaper" (not surprisingly, one founded by a cult) to "report" it as "fact" that the "liberal" media interrupted Raygunn with yells all the time, and next you'll hear everyone on Faux News, and Dimbulb, citing this as "fact" too.

They don't have the facts on their side, so they create their own propaganda media to make the lies for them.

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