Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Astronomical News

The Venus Transit and Hunting for Alien Worlds

Venus did a lot more than just transit the sun; it provided us with a vital tool in the hunt for Earth-like exoplanets orbiting other stars. Read more
The Venus Transit and Hunting for Alien Worlds

Runts of Stellar Litter Rarer than Thought

Observations by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have revealed a surprise -- there are fewer brown dwarfs in our cosmic backyard than previously believed. Read more
Runts of Stellar Litter Rarer than Thought

Top 5 REAL Cosmic Doomsday Events

Forget the much-hyped 2012 doomsday, we've been inundated with doomsday events over the last few months... in other star systems. Read more
doomsday 2011 cosmic

Only Two Cosmic Doomsdays Are Certain

The sardonic proverb "nothing is certain but death and taxes," can now be recast for the cosmos. Read more
Only Two Cosmic Doomsdays Are Certain

Protoplanet Vesta's Coat of Many Colors

NASA's Dawn mission maps the baby planet's surface mineral composition -- with dazzling results. Read more
Protoplanet Vesta

Peering into the Dusty Heart of Centaurus A

A new telescope has come online to give us a whole new insight as to the workings of the complicated galactic mess that is Centaurus A. Read more
Peering into the Dusty Heart of Centaurus A

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