Thursday, June 14, 2012

Divorce after 115 years

Giant Tortoises End Marriage After 115 Years
They've been together since ... well, since before any of us are alive, actually - but 115 years apparently is long enough. The century-old marriage between giant tortoises Bibi and Poldi in the Happ Reptile Zoo in Klagenfurt, Austria, is on the rocks:
The world's oldest animal marriage looks set to have turtley ended after an incredible 115 years when the two Giant Turtles at an Austrian zoo refused to share their cage anymore.
Zoo management have called in animal experts to try and give the pair counselling - feeding them romantic good mood food and trying to get them to join in joint games - but so far without effect.
Zoo boss Helga Happ said: "We get the feeling they can't stand the sight of each other anymore."

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