Friday, June 29, 2012

Fleetwood Mac's Rumours at 35

I'm a huge fan of Fleetwood Mac's California cocaine trilogy of Fleetwood Mac, Rumours, and Tusk. It's amazing that this year Rumours turns 35. Ken Caillat, who co-produced and engineered the record, has just written a new book that I'm really looking forward to reading titled "Making Rumours: The Inside Story of the Classic Fleetwood Mac Album." From a CNN interview with Caillat:
 Up-N-Adam Wp-Content Uploads 2012 04 Fleetwood-Mac-Book At the time they were recording the album, all five band mates were going through painful breakups: (John and Chrstine McVie) were divorcing, (Lindsey) Buckingham and (Stevie) Nicks' long-term relationship was coming to a bitter end and Fleetwood's wife was about to leave him for his best friend. It's all personal drama that Caillat chronicles in his book.
"In retrospect, it's a miracle that we were able to finish 'Rumours,' " he said. "But later, I came to understand that 'Rumours' probably succeeded because it was brilliant group therapy.
"Making Rumours: The Inside Story of the Classic Fleetwood Mac Album" (Amazon)
"Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' at 35: Still the 'perfect album'" (CNN)

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