Sunday, June 3, 2012

Norway to Hire “Friends” for Mass Murderer

Ah, Norway. It has luxury prison for common criminals, island getaway for hardened ones, and now, it is looking to hire friends for a mass murderer.
That's right: the Norwegian prison where Anders Behring Breivik, who massacred 77 people - mostly children - last year, is being held, is trying to hire friends for him.
To avoid keeping the confessed killer in total isolation, the high security prison, northwest of Oslo, could let him play sports with the guards and hire someone to play chess with him, among other things, [prison director Knut Bjarkeid] added.
"We are planning a professional community around him, with employees and hired personnel," he told the paper.
Norwegian law forbids keeping prisoners in total isolation for long periods of time because it is considered an unduly cruel punishment.

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